Pétros, I was expecting you,
do come in, make yourself at home
We spoke with verses
with yellow Bengal lights
and doves-cum-dogs
I answered him of course
with verses of his now lost
he recited some of mine
mainly those to come
that I discerned were mine
Only in the end I realized
that we were with the dead
that he was alone again.
As regards this, he affirmed
I knew it all along
but don’t you worry
I have here my friend the poet
Dylan Thomas
to keep me company
he comes to see me now and then
I make him a Greek coffee
but we don’t talk.
*Míltos Sahtoúris (1919-2005): Greek poet.
Pétros, I was expecting you,
do come in, make yourself at home
We spoke with verses
with yellow Bengal lights
and doves-cum-dogs
I answered him of course
with verses of his now lost
he recited some of mine
mainly those to come
that I discerned were mine
Only in the end I realized
that we were with the dead
that he was alone again.
As regards this, he affirmed
I knew it all along
but don’t you worry
I have here my friend the poet
Dylan Thomas
to keep me company
he comes to see me now and then
I make him a Greek coffee
but we don’t talk.
*Míltos Sahtoúris (1919-2005): Greek poet.
(Petros Golitsis, MÍLTOS SAHTOÚRIS, translated from the Greek by Yannis Goumas)

Πέτρο, σε περίμενα
πέρασε, βολέψου
Μιλήσαμε με στίχους
με κίτρινα βεγγαλικά
και περιστέρια σκύλους
Με στίχους του που χάθηκαν
του απαντούσα φυσικά
μου έλεγε δικούς μου
κυρίως τους μελλούμενους
που καταλάβαινα πως ήτανε δικοί μου
Στο τέλος μόνο πρόσεξα
πως ήμασταν με τους νεκρούς
πως ήταν πάλι μόνος.
Πάνω σ’ αυτό μου τόνισε
το ήξερα από την αρχή
μα μη στεναχωριέσαι
έχω εδώ δίπλα συντροφιά
τον φίλο μου τον ποιητή
τον Ντύλαν Τόμας
έρχεται κάθε τόσο να με δει
του ψήνω ελληνικό καφέ
μα δεν μιλάμε.
(από την ανέκδοτη ποιητική συλλογή "Breathing Sculptures ή Πότισα τους Νεκρούς μου")
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